Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Costume Looks Better on Paper...

...Trust me-- it does not look that good right now.

(Sorry the photos are not very sharp).


Anonymous said...

You're making Susan's purple dress? How nice! I can't wait to see it!

Joanna said...

Very cool! Keep up the good work. I see you are on blogger late at nigh too!


Pam--in America said...

Hi there.... I read your Mom's blog, but thought I'd come over to read yours as well :)

I love how ambitious you are with making this dress!! And without a pattern! I know of a website with vintage patterns that I thought might be of help.... couldn't hurt, right? Here's the link:
If you look under "costume ideas", I think the section that says "Ren-SCA" would be what you're looking for. Hope that helps some.

I'm excited to see your work on the dress!

Elspeth said...

Hey Lucie! I figure I'll have to enjoy your blog at least half as much as I enjoy your mom's, which is quite a bit, So I'll be dropping in from time to time if that's okay with you!

Sarah said...

wow! keep up the good work with the dress and the blog! both are awesome :)