Jo-snazz has tagged me, so here are the rules. Actually, you can pick either or both of the following two ideas. I made the second one up and I hope that Joanna will forgive me.
1. Tell 6 things that you learned this past month, then tag six other people.
2. Tell 6 things about books. It can consist of favorite books, favorite genres and authors. After that, make a book list of 6 books and tag six people (I'd say that you could tag books, but they don't have blogs, now do they?)
So, I think that since I am have made up another type, I will do half and half.
Things that I have learned this past month:
-I really need to work on my sight reading.
-I actually can do math. ;)
-You shouldn't use words like "rather, somewhat or very" when writing.
-I love Charles Dickens.
-I also love Rosemary Sutcliff .
-Ancient Britain, Ireland, Scotland or Rome are my favorite genres.
Six people:
Whoever wants to do it is invited. Please just leave me a comment because I want to see your answers. :)
Six books:
The Eagle of the Ninth
Oliver Twist
The Silver Branch
The Lantern Bearers
David Copperfield
A Tale of Two Cities
hey hey hey!
I thought I'd make you laugh and first put down 6 things that I have learned in my lifetime:
1: The world is round (No it really is!)
2: 2+2 really DOES = 4 (I'm so glad I know that!)
3: Abraham Lincoln died (I was surprised to)
4: Never smell a cactus (NEVER!)
5: Mothers know EVERYTHING! (eventually)
and last but not least number 6: I think therefore I am responsible to learn useless subjects such as Algebra, Trigonomotry (I don't care if I spelled it right) and Geometry. (maybe you can relate)
Now for the 6 I have learned this month:
1. I'm getting older
2. I'm getting weirder (for some reason one of my favorite pastimes is watching the leaves fall from the trees. I think that's EXCTITING)
3. I do not know everything
4. There's no such thing as a stupid question
5. What's stupid is when people don't ask questions
6. I atually have learned 6 things this month!
well hope u enjoyed the random ramblings of yours truly1
-Forever and Always,
Very funny! I'm still stuck on multiplying decimals...but math is math. Well, I'm glad that you know the basic facts--like the world is round. That's very important! (lol)
thanks! lol!
I can't believe I forgot to put down my six book things so here they are a bit late:
1. I love mysteries
2. I love fantasy
3. I love historical fiction
4. I HATE Harry Potter
5. I like Louisa May Alcott better then Jane Austin
6. Narnia and Lord of the Rings ROCK!
My List:
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Little Women
Little Men
Jo's Boys
The Squire's Tales
so there it is :)
Oops, did I use improper English? I didn't mean to.
I will do the thing later but right now my sister wants to use the 'puter. (That's abbreviated proper language, not texting speech)
Hi Lucie!
Thanks for the comment. I thought that your little twist was really neat!
I actually wrote you a very nice long comment about how we should make our educational literary survey, and then realized you had already done it, and then decided that I may as well post the comment anyway and share some ideas about how to make a more detailed tag, and then I decided that I will simply condescend to appoint you as the first genius to answer our educational literary survey.
So, here it is.
Name Your...
6 (since 6 seems to be the cool number right now) favorite books
6 favorite quotes, one from each favorite book. (No, this is not a simple tag.)
6 favorite authors
6 favorite genres, in the correct order from favorite to least favorite.
6 favorite books that have been adapted into films.
6 favorite books from your favorite author (yes, I know it's getting tough, if you can't think of 6 I will forgive you - I think.)
Tag as many people as you like! At least 6. n See how far it will go.
I noticed that I used the word 6 and favorite a good deal to many times in this tag - I mean in this educational literary survey.
P.S. By the way, I just labeled my blog as a tag free zone...
No, Emmy. I wasn't talking about you. :) I had been beginning to wonder if you had stopped being on the computer, period!
Heehee. I have been trying to limit my 'puter time because it gets in the way of my schoolwork.
Here are three things about books:
1 I really really really really love THe Chronicles of Narnia.
2 I am working on writing a book. Outlining it now.
3 Ummmm...G.A. Henty wrote a lot of books
Three things I've learned recently:
1 I made two mistakes in my Monster Concert audition. Wrong notes I had been practicing consistently. :-P
2 Ben Barnes didn't know how to ride a horse when he first started working on Prince Caspian.
3 That Shia La Beouf is 22 years old. (I know, extremely random. I couldn;t think of anything else.)
Six books:
The Chronicles of Prydain (series of five books)
The Pickwick Papers
The Fellowship of the Ring
In the Reign of Terror
Mere Christianity
A Wrinkle in Time
Ick. I don't like math.
I am stick on multiplying decimals too!
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