Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tagged... and I'm putting a new twist in it.

Jo-snazz has tagged me, so here are the rules. Actually, you can pick either or both of the following two ideas. I made the second one up and I hope that Joanna will forgive me.

1. Tell 6 things that you learned this past month, then tag six other people.
2. Tell 6 things about books. It can consist of favorite books, favorite genres and authors. After that, make a book list of 6 books and tag six people (I'd say that you could tag books, but they don't have blogs, now do they?)

So, I think that since I am have made up another type, I will do half and half.

Things that I have learned this past month:

-I really need to work on my sight reading.
-I actually can do math. ;)
-You shouldn't use words like "rather, somewhat or very" when writing.


-I love Charles Dickens.
-I also love Rosemary Sutcliff .
-Ancient Britain, Ireland, Scotland or Rome are my favorite genres.

Six people:

Whoever wants to do it is invited. Please just leave me a comment because I want to see your answers. :)

Six books:

The Eagle of the Ninth
Oliver Twist
The Silver Branch
The Lantern Bearers
David Copperfield
A Tale of Two Cities


Sarah said...

hey hey hey!
I thought I'd make you laugh and first put down 6 things that I have learned in my lifetime:

1: The world is round (No it really is!)
2: 2+2 really DOES = 4 (I'm so glad I know that!)
3: Abraham Lincoln died (I was surprised to)
4: Never smell a cactus (NEVER!)
5: Mothers know EVERYTHING! (eventually)
and last but not least number 6: I think therefore I am responsible to learn useless subjects such as Algebra, Trigonomotry (I don't care if I spelled it right) and Geometry. (maybe you can relate)

Now for the 6 I have learned this month:

1. I'm getting older
2. I'm getting weirder (for some reason one of my favorite pastimes is watching the leaves fall from the trees. I think that's EXCTITING)
3. I do not know everything
4. There's no such thing as a stupid question
5. What's stupid is when people don't ask questions
6. I atually have learned 6 things this month!

well hope u enjoyed the random ramblings of yours truly1

-Forever and Always,

Lucie Manette said...

Very funny! I'm still stuck on multiplying decimals...but math is math. Well, I'm glad that you know the basic facts--like the world is round. That's very important! (lol)

Sarah said...

thanks! lol!
I can't believe I forgot to put down my six book things so here they are a bit late:

1. I love mysteries
2. I love fantasy
3. I love historical fiction
4. I HATE Harry Potter
5. I like Louisa May Alcott better then Jane Austin
6. Narnia and Lord of the Rings ROCK!

My List:
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Little Women
Little Men
Jo's Boys
The Squire's Tales

so there it is :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, did I use improper English? I didn't mean to.
I will do the thing later but right now my sister wants to use the 'puter. (That's abbreviated proper language, not texting speech)

Shannon Lise said...

Hi Lucie!

Thanks for the comment. I thought that your little twist was really neat!

I actually wrote you a very nice long comment about how we should make our educational literary survey, and then realized you had already done it, and then decided that I may as well post the comment anyway and share some ideas about how to make a more detailed tag, and then I decided that I will simply condescend to appoint you as the first genius to answer our educational literary survey.

So, here it is.

Name Your...

6 (since 6 seems to be the cool number right now) favorite books

6 favorite quotes, one from each favorite book. (No, this is not a simple tag.)

6 favorite authors

6 favorite genres, in the correct order from favorite to least favorite.

6 favorite books that have been adapted into films.

6 favorite books from your favorite author (yes, I know it's getting tough, if you can't think of 6 I will forgive you - I think.)

Tag as many people as you like! At least 6. n See how far it will go.

I noticed that I used the word 6 and favorite a good deal to many times in this tag - I mean in this educational literary survey.


P.S. By the way, I just labeled my blog as a tag free zone...

Lucie Manette said...

No, Emmy. I wasn't talking about you. :) I had been beginning to wonder if you had stopped being on the computer, period!

Anonymous said...

Heehee. I have been trying to limit my 'puter time because it gets in the way of my schoolwork.

Here are three things about books:
1 I really really really really love THe Chronicles of Narnia.
2 I am working on writing a book. Outlining it now.
3 Ummmm...G.A. Henty wrote a lot of books

Three things I've learned recently:
1 I made two mistakes in my Monster Concert audition. Wrong notes I had been practicing consistently. :-P
2 Ben Barnes didn't know how to ride a horse when he first started working on Prince Caspian.
3 That Shia La Beouf is 22 years old. (I know, extremely random. I couldn;t think of anything else.)

Six books:
The Chronicles of Prydain (series of five books)
The Pickwick Papers
The Fellowship of the Ring
In the Reign of Terror
Mere Christianity
A Wrinkle in Time

Anonymous said...

Ick. I don't like math.
I am stick on multiplying decimals too!