Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thanks for the Awards and the tag!

I have been having this serious lapse in posting...not one real one in about two months!

Anyway, I have been getting these awards, and just wanted to go ahead and post them.

Starting with the awards:

From Joanna:

The "Your Blog is Fabulous Award"

And from both Joanna and Bria, the Kreative Blogger Award. Thanks for them!

Here are the people I give this award to for both:

The King's Missionary
Hannah Leigh
Carley Rene

Sorry, only seven...I need more bloggy friends. If there's anybody I missed, I'm so terribly sorry!

And I have been tagged by Carley Rene. Here are the guidelines:

1. Choose the 4th folder where you store photos on your computer.
2. Select the 4th photo in that folder (no cheating - cropping, editing, etc.).
3. Explain the photo.
4. Tag 4 other people to do the same.

Here is my photo:

Familiar? Yes, it is my header. I only have three places that I store my photos, so I had to leave good enough with good enough.

Anybody who would like to do this tag is welcome to!

If you do, I'd love it if you commented and told me that you did so I can come and see it!

P.S. I just wanted to say that I found a pattern that looks like it would work well for Susan's purple dress. It is almost exact, with a few minor adjustments. Sadly it is out-of-print. Here it is:

Here is one website that you can buy it off of: http://momspatterns.com


Ellie said...

Thank you so much for the blog award!!! And also thanks for following my blog!

Sarah said...

Cool pattern!!! To bad it is out of print, because I would like a pattern like that to make a LoTRs dress..... :(


Mia said...

Oh wow! I didn't know you had awarded me! Thanks so much Lucy, you're really sweet : )