Here are a couple of pictures that I played with. The first one is a first try, since I think that I figured out how to do blends. Anyway...
And here is one of The Young Victoria. It was just such a magnificent movie.
so, I hope that I'll be on this blog much revoir for now!
Hey, girl!
Glad to hear from you! What have been up to? Everything OK?
Love the blend. I was playing around with GIMP the other day trying to perfect blends. I came out with something...nothing note worthy but something.
The Young Victoria. I have not see that movie. Will look it up though. The picture of her is stunning. A well as your profile picture.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Nothing much is up...I've just been really really busy. :P You? I saw that you made your blog hoo...I'll have to figure out the invite thing.
Thanks for the compliment!!! ;)
I like the blend.
I have never heard Young Victoria. I'll have to look into it too.
Hello again Lucie dear!
Ooo, that blended photo should make every good Susan fan smile in satisfaction. I can never decide which dress to like better; the green or the purple! Currently I'm tending toward the green...
And I loved The Young Victoria. I hope to do a review of that as well, but most of my blog ideas are thwarted by this little thing called "limited time" :).
Love your blog, deary... I usually drop by here just for the satisfaction of looking at cool Narnia pictures, and seeing what your latest blog design or profile pic is. The Spring layout is really lovely (and that red coronation dress of Susan's, in your profile, is one of my ultimate favorites)!
Oh P.S... a) Do you mind me saving these for desktop backgrounds etc., (not for any internet use) and b) do you think you could link to a larger version of the Susan blended photo? It is quite small right now...
~Meg :)
@Anna: you really's a great movie...minus a couple of PG moments.
@Ourspareoom: Thanks so much! I'll look forward to seeing that review...but I understand about that ghastly little idea. ;) I'll try to link to a bigger pic as soon as possible...thanks for commenting! ;)
Nice pictures!! Love the coloring on the second one, and I like your new blog background & header, too. :)
Dear Lucie,
I love your blog! I am a Narnian fan too. What is your favorite book (if you can choose)? I really like Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but I am very fond of The Last Battle too...
Hope you do not mind if I add you to my friends list.
Would love if you could visit my blog sometime @
Hope to see you there!
In Christ,
Hi! here's an award for you!
P.S. I like your new background-very spring like!
That blend is so cool!? How do you do that?
Nothing much either. Let's see mostly trying to finish up school before May. Last week we ("we" would be us older five) participated in a online math competition. Other then that life has been wonderful and normal;) You know what I mean about the loveliness of normality. Spring has really come around up here. So beautiful! I am loving being able to start walking and biking again.
Yeah, my parents asked me to make it private and hey, the're in charge;) My Narnia blog is still public though.
Great blend Lucie! Ah, The Young Victoria! I have been simply dieing to see that movie. Luckily, it is on hold at our local library so it won't be too much longer before I can watch the infamous Young Victoria! :-)
Hey Lucie! You have an award waiting at my blog. Hope you do not have it already. Really like your blog; so creative.
In Christ,
@Marian: Thanks! I wish I could remodel my blog as well as you, but this is the best I've got! ;)
@Grace: Thanks so much for commenting and the award...I haven't been blogging enough lately, but I'll go look!
@Moriah: You really should....there are a couple of PG moments, but other than those, it's a great movie!
How am I? Just fine, thank you :) Loving the beautiful weather here in Virginia, 50s and 60s every day! How's Texas?
I love the blend! I can tell you're getting better and better at GIMP all the time :) Did I tell you that I made the green dress this winter?
The Young know, I have heard about that. My aunt LOVES period drama, and she and my uncle went to see The Young Victoria sometime in December. If I recall correctly, she loved it. We just finished studying Victoria and Albert, so it might be something I'd like to see soon :) Sounds like you enjoyed it.
I like your new header and background. Were the petals already in the shot? They sorta look like the dryad petals from LWW. And they match the background too....quite lovely!
Well, I'll run.
Have a wonderful day, my friend!
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