...I am getting my own room! So...
I want you to do something, just for fun. I already know the basic layout of what I want to decorate it as, but I would like you to tell me what you think, based on what you know of my personality, it should be like.
I would also love tips if you have any on pretty much anything.
I'll look forward to hearing from you!!!
Oh, and the picture is unrelated...colorwise...
Hmmm, I'll have to think about this one. Brianna and I have been about to re-decorate our room for 5 years...I think we finally settled on something! Not that we didn't agree... not at all! We just wanted to find something we'd like as much as our room now.
Yeah! I get to be the first (published) commenter!!
Here's me on the *right* account, you can publish this :) Plus, I changed my mind on color stuff anyway.
Room colors for Lucie....hmm...maybe brown and yellow. I've always thought that was a nice, interesting combination. Sort of retro too, if you know what I mean.
Or, if black and white, since you like old movies and stuff like that.
@KK:I know!!! It's such a huge decision and you really want to get it right. ;)
@Jo March: You are really, really close. I do want quite a bit of retro-ness involved!!! ;)
Any way dear, I had written this long comment which I thought had been submitted but I guess I lost it. Which is just as well, as it was far too long... but I love telling other people how they should do things, so here goes.
If I can say that I "know" you after reading your blog, I would think you'd be aiming for a mix of Narnia and retro/vintage. So would I, if I had a room of my own :).
I would think that you like dark, muted colors best... perhaps rich dark red, or muted darkish-paleish blue (think Susan's coronation sleeves). I would also assume you are not a flowers and butterflies type person, so if you were doing any sort of decorating you would probably go for filigree, or scroll/ribbon sort of stuff. Did that make sense to any besides me?
If you're thinking of some sort of wall hangings or decorations, perhaps you would like maps... (I would :) ). Think maps of Narnia, London, your home town (with your favorite spots marked), or just old crinkly maps.
Or maybe sheet music or violinish stuff :D.
OR....... I know you're in to sewing, so maybe if you have vintage pattern fronts or leftover pattern fronts from favorite costumes or skirts you have made... you get the idea... and you could lay them all out and frame them together inexpensively.
Any way, that was weird and random. Sorry!
That's really exciting! :) I second Meg--maps are really fun; I have a HUGE one on one of my walls. Any favourite pictures, be they movies or paintings or photos, are nice to have. Maybe for your wall color you could have a dark/medium green. And a bookshelf or two. Lamps are great accent pieces too!
I hope your audition goes well! :) The only movement of Partita II that I've learned is the Allemande. I LOVE the Chaconne, though--it's epic! I didn't used to like it, but once I started trying to play it, I really could appreciate the melodies and variations, not to mention the genius of Bach. Now it's one of my faves. =)
I think that is a good idea to ask your friends. I don't know your personality very well, but my suggestion is that you do light teal walls, maybe with a couple dark brown polka dots. another cool idea is to put little circle mirrors on the brown polka dots, leaving a little brown around the edges of the mirrors. This really all depends on what color the furniture is, so i don't know if it will work. Please email me or leave a comment on my blog if you like my ideas!
Oh, another thing, if you like retro stuff, meg's map idea was really good. My idea is that you put up some posters of narnia characters, or maybe do the color themes of your favorite character's main outfit. I really like the outfit Susan wears in the end of Prince caspian, but if you don't like blue, you could go with the outfit from your profile pic. Of course, you don't have to do anything, it is just a suggestion.
P.S. LUV the blog template!
Exciting! Hmm...room ideas based on what I know about your personality. *Thinking* Bright and yet a calm soothing place I think. :-) Have fun!
I awarded you on my blog!:D
Oooooo, I love the new background/header!!!!!!!
*gasp* Shame on me! I never commented on this post! Anyway, wow! Your blog looks amazing! What about the colors of your background for your room? That would be lovely vintage and yet modern. Or maybe a burgundy with rout iron accents? Or black and white. Or purple and white and black. Oh, so many lovely things out!
My name is Karlee, I just found your blog from a friend of mine, Nana, I really like it! That's exciting that you're getting your own room! :) I just wanted to let you know I'm going to start reading your blog.
-Karlee Kay
Hey, Su.
Just one quick question for ya. What font did you use for your header? The one "Land" is in? It's breath taking, and would work beautifully for a design I am doing.
Thanks for all your comments! I will post pics when it is done and you'll be able to see how close you were! ;)
@Nana: I think that it was "The King and Queen", a font I got off of dafont.com. It's that or "Jellyka," I can't remember.
Hey, Thanks!
I love the picture! I recently redid my room in a French theme--the colors are chocolate brown, gold, cream, and rose pink.
Love your blog!
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