You would, too, if you lived in Texas after this summer (right, Texans???? Of course right.) .
But not to complain.
Today, I got the extraordinary treat of getting to go to the Gil Shaham master class with my violin teacher. It was wonderful. It was like a lesson...only I didn't have to practice for it and be nervous because I wasn't playing! ;)
Oh, and by the way: I got three blog buttons up in the "Link to Me" under my header...check them out!
Update: My mom had a person put one of her photos on an improper webpage, so I am taking all the photos that are recognizably me off the blog. So that explains why all those pictures are gone.
GIL SHAHAM?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's SO cool; he's my most fave violinist, ever! I went to his recital once, and it was just phenomenal. =)
Ahh, yes...I'm ready for Fall and winter right now! As a fellow Texan I know what you mean! :)
It feels like fall already where I live. We've had a ridiculously mild summer, 70s and 80s every day. Our summer record this year was 94! (it's normally 100 something)
What is are you, your sisters and your dad doing in third picture?
My favorite "Link to Me" button is the last one. It's looks so....medieval :)
@Marian: He really is INCREDIBLE...I couldn't go to the concert last night because it was completely sold out...that NEVER happens here. ;)
@Megan: Glad to have SOMEBODY agree!
@Liza: Consider yourself blessed. I mean, really blessed. ;) I liked that one too (obviously).
HI! Yes I do remember you! How are you doing? Thanks for commenting on my blog. Hope your doing well!
Hey, Lucie! I'm having a prayer chain at my blog for one of my followers who's dad is sick. Please stop by and check it out! Thanks :)
~Eldarwen Failariel~
Sorry to hear about the picture issues. That's frustrating I'm sure.
I don't play violin very much, so I wouldn't know the name or face of a famous violinist if I saw one. But I'm sure you had fun! It would be like me being able to go back in time and meet...Mozart or Beethoven!
You've been awarded, deary :).
Wow that's kind of scary about what happened to your mom! Hope everything turns out alright.
I just want fall right now!
It is September, and it doesn't smell like it. That's how you can really tell with seasons. =D
@Ourspareoom: Thanks so much!
@Sarah: I's kind of scary that you don't know who is really who on the internet. :(
@The Reluctant Dragon: I can't wait for fall. It's not here yet. ;(
I am a real, fellow texan. And I am NOT looking forward to winter. I actually like summer better than winter!!!
YES, being a Texan, I am so ready for winter!
Oooooh, a master class!! I'm sooo jealous!!
My violin teacher is really a violist (but I've forgiven her, hee hee.) She was at Juilliard with Itzhak Perlman & Pinchas Zuckerman, and she's good friends with Yo Yo Ma. I tell her that if any of them come to town, she'd better help me meet them! I would love to go to a master class with any of them, as long as I didn't have to play!
Hey Susan!
I'm back! And we had a great trip! It was so sad to come back to cold Maryland after the tropics. :( But is is nice (sorta) to be back.
I love the new look you have going here. I finalley figured out the gimp brushes (with help from a friend) and LOVE them. So many cool things you can do! You header is awesome. What a great song.
I don't know anything about violin, but I'm glad for you that you got to see someone who, it sounds like, you admire.
Getting ready to check out your new buttons. I just can't keep up with you girl! ;) Yes, I am feeling like I am behind on everything in blogworld. So many blogs to cathch up on!
Hope you guys get some cooler weather down there! I wish it was a little warmer here. It is in the 60's. We would light our wood stove, but need to clean out the chimmney before.
Thanks for stopping by! And for following! I am glad to go public too! It was so much of a hassle sending out invites and all.
Blogging had truely been a blessing. Meeting so many girls who, are living for, and beliveing in the same God has been so encouraging. I don't really know many girls, who belive the same as I do, and have met so many just since starting blogging in May.
Mom is making a video of our vacation pictures, and I'll post it and write about vacation when it is finished. Again, so much to write about! What is on to do! (sorry for the little drama there. I am not at ALL a drama person (KK on the other hand, suprises me how dramatic she can be;)
We are leaving for Ohio on Friday, to visit my Aunt Dawn. Aunt Dawn isn't really my Aunt. She is a friend my Aunt Diann met in the Navy, but she has been like an Aunt to us so she got the title. I only have 8 aunts and uncles, but several "adopted" ones. When my Aunt Diann was in the Navy she was living with us. Sometimes she would bring Navy friends over with her and some would stay the weekend, and some would live with us for a few years. It was such a blessing, being able to meet so many people that way, and to be able to touch there lives, and help them out. Anyway, all this rambling to say that, that is why I have so many "adopted" Aunts and Uncles.
It is nice to visit with you again!
Freezing in Maryland!;)
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